+91 98790 11193 gloveindia@gmail.com

VNSGU Youth Festival

The YOUTH festival held during 17th to 19th dec 2012, were Students have been motivated for "Remove violence" , "Spread Love" and "Save family" aspects and a painting competition was held for the same.

Cooking Competition

Cooking Competition in which more than 100 women participated with Goghari Visha Shrimal Jain -Mahila mandal. And in which OBR Awareness and Empowerment was also held.

Camping with Students

The Camp which has been held for Education Dept. Students included OBR film , women empowerment and students have been motivated to participate in marathon.

Film Society Surat

Freedom writer Film has been presented in Raj Empire Theater, to more than 300 viewers in which Students, Teachers as well as NGO members are included.The story includes "How a teacher has to handle and change Violent Students. "

OBR Awareness Programme

OBR Awareness Program presented by 100 students of FINE ARTS Dept. from VNSGU who presented on the topics Respect Women and Child and Women Empowerment.

SAAR (Surat Acts Against Rape)

In Surat many OBR awareness meetings done on daily basis. On 14 Feb Surat will create one more time Kranti for Independence of city,ie violence free city from Killa Medan Chok Bazar. Many schools , org, are joining under Salamat Surat- SAAR movement...