Speaker in Malvav Patel Samaj on 29 May 2016 E Surati team with street children Appreciation Certificate by Family Court Surat for Honorary Service to make conciliators team till continue from 2008. Given by Principal Judge M K Dave n Judge Saiyad Mam “Manthan” prog for Brain injury patients n Physio therapists approx 430 on 3 June 2016 Speaker in Italia Parivar 22 May 2016 Training to Jivan Astha Councellor team E Surat Team project of Street children show movie in Cinemax ” Mighty Raju “ Agrasen Mahila Sakha honored with surat Women Traffic Brigade Honored by Shakti Foundation with auspicious hands of Kajal Oza Vaidya Page 9 of 13« First«...7891011...»Last »
Appreciation Certificate by Family Court Surat for Honorary Service to make conciliators team till continue from 2008. Given by Principal Judge M K Dave n Judge Saiyad Mam